Could Nail Polish Save Your Life?

Alumni Night 4_23_22-Angel Sutton

By Calie Faulkner

North Carolina State University students in the Materials Science & Engineering department have invented a special nail polish that will be able to help women detect whether or not their drink is safe. This product could save the night for a female who could be slipped a drug when taking a drink at a party of any sort.

Women will be able to stick their finger into the drink that they are given at the party and then the fingernail polish will change colors in order to detect whether or not the drink is laced with drugs.

“I think it’s cool. If it really works then that can prevent a lot of horrible incidents involving rape,” said Paige Ingalls, a junior at William Peace University. “I would definitely buy the nail polish. It’s better to be safe than sorry.”

Date rape drugs are most often used on college-aged females. The good news is now that this nail polish exists, women will be able to wear it as a disguise while they make sure that the drink they plan to consume is safe.

“The creativity behind this new anti-rape nail polish is astonishing, for the safety of defenseless women,” said Luis Gomez, a junior at William Peace University. “Protection is key.”

This invention has the ability to save the health and lives of those who could come in contact with a dangerous situation involving being slipped drugs.

Who knew that wearing something as simple as nail polish could potentially save the night and a life?

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